Your First Visit
After welcoming you to our rooms, your first appointment will be a clinical orthodontic assessment. We will discuss your orthodontic concerns, assess if treatment is necessary and if there are any cross referrals required or choices to be made.
As part of providing excellent service it is important to us to facilitate our patients to make informed decisions and to be aware of what is going on throughout their treatment.
As is standard, before your initial consultation, we will ask you to fill in some forms and although it is not a requirement – we welcome referral letters from dentists and / or other specialists. If you have any Xrays or other relevant information or records, we will attach these to your file to prevent duplication of services and unnecessary costs.
Sometimes no further consultation is required, and other times Dr Lipshatz will recommend reviews in 6 months or a year.
If it is appropriate for treatment to commence and you would like to proceed, we will take clinical records. This can often happen at the same appointment and usually entails taking intra and extra-oral photos and in-house Xrays. If models of the teeth are also required these are produced digitally using our state of the art intra-oral scanner.
Dr Lipshatz will discuss with you aims of treatment, what it will entail and approximate duration. We will give you as much information as possible about health fund rebates and discuss payment plan options.
We endeavor to answer all questions at consultations and are also available to discuss further enquiries by phone or email. Occasionally it is advised that you attend a follow up visit to discuss your case in greater detail.
Dr Lipshatz is well known for his lovely chairside manner and the genuine care he offers, making patients of all ages feel comfortable and confident.
All of our team are well trained, and the two words describing us that are most regularly included in patient surveys are PROFESSIONAL and FRIENDLY.
Whether it’s a one-off visit requiring no further follow up, or the start of a few year orthodontic journey, your first visit to Dr Lipshatz is sure to be positive and informative.
We strive for excellence in all aspects of our practice, and the accreditation process ensures we really shine as a practice of distinction.
Ready for your
new smile?
and make an appointment today!