Functional appliances

What do they do?

They work to close the gap between the upper and lower teeth.

How do they work?

They move the upper teeth back and the lower teeth forward thereby reducing the gap between the teeth. Sometimes they also restrict the growth of the upper jaw as well to help close the gap.

How long will I need to wear my appliance?

You will need to wear your appliance for approximately 12 months.

What should I expect when wearing the appliance?

At first your teeth may feel tender and uncomfortable so try soft foods and you may need to take some analgesics. Tenderness will improve within a week.

Your speech will be altered but in less than a week of consistent wear, most patients resume talking normally.

How do I clean my functional appliance?

Use a toothbrush with soap and cool water. Do not use toothpaste.

When do I take it out?

You can remove your appliance to eat and brush your teeth. Always put it in the plate box provided and be careful of pets!

How do I take it out?

Place your finger above the clasps at the back and push down. NEVER grab hold of the wire in front of the teeth as it will deform.

I have my appliance, now what?

BEWARE! Clicking the appliance in and out with your tongue will loosen and break the wires.

General tips

  • No hard or sticky foods
  • Cut hard food into small pieces
  • Limit food and drinks high in sugar
  • Limit snacking between meals
  • Brush well around the gums

Please call us if something breaks or you are unable to wear the appliance

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