RPE Appliance

What does a rapid palatal expansion appliance do?

The appliance separates the two halves of the palate and the upper teeth to widen the upper arch.

How does a rapid palatal expansion appliance work?

It expands the upper arch and palate when you turn the midline screw.

How long does the treatment take?

The expansion will take 1-2 months. You will then have the appliance in for a further 6 months to stabilise the end result.

What should I expect when wearing the appliance?

  • There will be some discomfort initially as the teeth start moving which should pass in 2-3 days.
  • A gap will open between the front teeth which will quickly close when you stop expanding.
  • There may be some marks on your tongue due to the appliance.
  • Food will get caught in the appliance and can be cleaned out with a toothbrush.

  • It will initially interfere with your speech but it should be back to normal within 1-2 weeks.

General tips

  • No hard or sticky foods
  • Cut hard food into small pieces
  • Limit food and drinks high in sugar
  • Limit snacking between meals
  • Brush well around the gums
  • Don’t turn more than the number of times advised by Dr Lipshatz

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