Why should I wear my retainer?

Why should I wear my retainer?

Jeff and the team have worked hard, and we are all sure you are very pleased with the straight teeth and beautiful smile you are enjoying. Now that you have had your braces removed, you may think that treatment is complete, but this is only the end of your ‘active’...
During treatment concerns

During treatment concerns

During the time you have braces, you may occasionally need to visit us in between your scheduled appointments for a ‘repair’, as there are many small parts and components working in conjunction with each other. Sometimes a brace can come loose, a wire become long or...
Food: What to avoid with braces

Food: What to avoid with braces

You have now had braces fitted and there are certain foods that need to be avoided to ensure the best results are achieved in the least amount of time. Not only can certain hard foods be uncomfortable to eat with braces, but you are also at risk of bracket or wire...